We recognise PE as a valuable  foundation subject where we recognise its potential to develop our children physically, mentally and socially. We believe that high-quality PE lessons will inspire our children to live a happy and healthy life styles, whilst providing our children with the knowledge and skills that they require to understand the role of PE in the world we are apart of. Throughout our curriculum design, we strive for our pupils to: ·

  • Acquire and develop new skills in isolation and through activities and games;
  • Select and apply appropriate skills, tactics and compositional ideas through games and activities;
  • Evaluate their own and others’ performance in order to improve;
  • Gain knowledge and understanding of how PE and sport contributes to staying physically, mentally and emotionally healthy
  • Experience a range of roles that are important in sport i.e. performer , leader, coach etc..
  • develop flexibility, strength, technique, control and balance
  • Play and perform activities and games to apply skills and strategy

Each class receives an hour PE led by our HTLP Sports Coach during PPA and an hour taught by their class teacher. The PE LTP is set out with support from Easington School Sports Partnership, where we utilize their specialist service to enhance our provision. Each half term will see the year group complete a different core task around invasion games, dance, gymnastics or athletics.

Our PE Overview

Our PE Overview outlines the essential details to ensure full coverage of the National Curriculum whilst providing our teachers with the tools required to support the development of fully rounded active children. These details include: –

  • progression of teaching topics, activities and core tasks as a stimulus for learning;
  • identification of PE skills to teach, learn and practise;
  • prioritised knowledge and facts to know, supporting an improved conceptual understanding around PE and physical activity

At Ribbon, our wide variety of facilities (Sports Hall, Studio, field, yards and MUGA) provides us with the best learning environment to host our PE lessons, ensuring our children receive the most appropriate learning space and equipment. Throughout the year many additional coaches will work with year groups in order to progress children’s skills and upskill teaching staff (i.e. School Sports Partnership, Durham Cricket Club).

PE sessions are fully inclusive for all children. Sessions include warm up exercises/skills and time for reflection at the end, where  children are given the opportunity to experience varying roles i.e. competitor, coach and referee, therefore ensuring plenty of opportunity for leadership development. Throughout PE,  children at Ribbon discuss not only improvements of skills but changes to their bodies during exercise, making them more aware of the physiological benefits to exercise. As the core tasks progress, children are challenged to implement core skills and knowledge into a game situation.

As an enhancement to PE,  we access the festivals and competitions hosted by both Easington Schools Sport Partnership and Easington Academy Allstar Sports Hub providing the opportunity for our children to showcase and compete in each of the represented events. These experiences support the ongoing development of our RESPECT virtues.

Commando ‘James’

As a supplement to PE, we utilize the equipment, programme and the expertise of our very own ‘Commando James’ delivering the evidence based ‘challenges’ to further develop our RESPECT virtues of:

  • Resilience
  • Excellence
  • Self-Awareness
  • Positivity
  • Empathy
  • Communication, and
  • Teamwork.

We value the ongoing development of each of these virtues to truly succeed in all elements of life, including PE.

Supporting Documents:

Supporting Websites:

‘There is clear evidence that you and your staff’s ongoing work to improve the depth of pupils’ mathematical understanding across the school is working.’


‘Communication systems between classroom and
additional support staff are good and mean that these pupils have access to the
full range of the curriculum suited to their needs.’


‘Staff and the governing body take safeguarding responsibilities very seriously. There is a culture of safeguarding at the school.’


‘Pupils are taking more responsibility for their own learning as they move through Key Stage 1.’


‘School have done a fantastic job in all areas.’


‘Children get off to a flying start at school. They are happy and safe and increasingly independent, and
yet aware of others.’


‘The teaching of phonics is a strength.’


‘The learning environment, both inside and out, is stimulating and attractive. Staff are skilled in ensuring that children develop their independence as learners who enjoy exploring the world.’


‘Ribbon monitor the progress and well-being of pupils who have special educational needs and/or disabilities carefully. Expectations for these pupils are high. As a result, they make generally good progress from their starting points.’


‘All support and communication is brilliant’


‘Disadvantaged and most-able children are making particularly good


‘We are so grateful to all the effort the teachers are putting in.’


‘Children settle well when they enter Ribbon Early Years, communication between home and school is good.’


‘My son loves the interaction with his teachers. Thank you all so very much for your hard work and dedication.’


‘School are there when needed whether it’s for support or a chat. They are constantly checking how kids are getting on.’


‘Early Years leaders and staff are expert in using their knowledge of what children can and cannot yet do to sharpen their planning and focus their teaching.’


‘School and staff should be commended for their quick shift and quality of what’s being communicated with the children.’


‘The governing body knows the school and the local community very well.’


‘The quality of teaching across all subjects continues to improve.’


‘Parents are
confident that their children are happy, safe and well taught.’


‘Ribbon are doing a fantastic job.’