Our Approach to Teaching Children & Young People with SEND

At Ribbon Academy, every child is welcome. We are fully inclusive which means supporting all pupils to learn, contribute and participate in all aspects of school life alongside their peers. All pupils follow the EYFS and National Curriculum at a level and pace that is appropriate to their ability. At times and when it is felt appropriate, modifications to the curriculum may be implemented.

Our curriculum is based on the formal requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum and the National Curriculum, as well as a wide range of additional opportunities to enrich pupils’ life experiences. This also includes the social aspects that are essential for life-long learning, personal growth and development of independence at all ages and ability levels. By encouraging independence at all age and ability levels, we endeavour to develop confidence, improve self-esteem and promote enthusiasm for learning in all our pupils.

Some of the actions we will take to achieve this are:

  • Understanding pupils’ individual difficulty or disability and how best to respond to this
  • Making adjustments to the curriculum to meet individual need
  • Making changes to the learning environment to make sure its stimulating enough to engage children but not too busy to distract them from their learning
  • Providing a quiet area for children who need it
  • Being consistent with rules and expectations with lots of practice to help children to make choices
  • Using visual prompts, such as a visual timetable.
  • Allowing extra time and the changing the way we deliver lessons to suit all learning styles
  • Using practical apparatus to support children’s learning so they can show they understand
  • Constantly revising and reinforcing skills
  • Helping pupils build positive relationships with adults so they can work together
  • Helping children develop friendships so they can learn together
  • Providing good role models to show all children how to learn
  • Helping children to be open and honest with themselves, each other, the adults in school and everyone at home.
  • Celebrating differences and helping children to recognise and celebrate those differences
  • Helping children to develop independence

‘Community and Extracurricular Activities: Pupils engage in activities like ‘Ribbon Radio’ and the ‘Poets’ Podium’, developing confidence and showcasing their talents. The school also runs breakfast clubs, after-school activities, and a community café, enhancing the sense of community and belonging.’


‘Reading is a priority, with an effective phonics program starting in early years, fostering a love for reading among pupils.’


‘Behaviour and attitudes are rated “Good”, with pupils showing positive behaviour both in and out of lessons.’


‘Parents are highly supportive of the school, agreeing that their children are happy and well-supported.’


‘Safety and Well-being: Pupils feel safe at the school, describing it as a “safe spot”. There is a strong culture of safeguarding, with effective systems in place to report and follow up on concerns. The pastoral team works tirelessly to ensure the welfare of all pupils.’


‘Early Years Provision: The provision for early years is rated “Outstanding”. The staff provide an exceptional range of carefully planned learning activities that encourage curiosity, independence, and the development of spoken language from day one.’


‘Quality of Education: The quality of education provided is considered “Good”. The curriculum is broad, inspiring, and well-thought-out, enabling pupils to build on their knowledge progressively.’


‘Early years provision is rated “Outstanding”, with staff providing a magical learning journey that encourages curiosity and independence.’


‘Inclusivity and Nurturing Environment: The school is described as inclusive and nurturing, with high expectations for pupils’ behaviour and achievements. Celebratory displays showcase pupils’ accomplishments, creating a positive and inspiring learning environment.’


‘Reading and Literacy: Reading is prioritised, with an effective phonics program starting in the early years. Pupils’ love for reading is nurtured through various competitions and a well-stocked library.’


‘The school has a strong safeguarding culture, with effective systems in place to ensure the welfare and safety of all pupils.’


‘Pupils thrive in an inclusive, nurturing environment where their accomplishments are celebrated.’


‘The school provides rich extracurricular opportunities, such as “Ribbon Radio” and the “Poets’ Podium”, which help develop pupils’ confidence.’


‘Leadership and management are “Good”, demonstrating high ambitions for all pupils and a strong culture of mutual support among staff.’


‘The Ribbon Academy is rated as “Good” overall, reflecting high standards in various aspects of school performance.’


‘Behaviour and Attitudes: Behaviour and attitudes at the school are rated “Good”. Pupils exhibit positive attitudes towards learning and demonstrate a strong understanding of the school’s values.’


‘Personal development is “Outstanding”, offering a wide range of experiences that prepare pupils for success beyond the school.’


‘Pupils feel safe and have positive attitudes towards learning, understanding and demonstrating the school’s values.’


‘The quality of education at the school is “Good”, with a broad and inspiring curriculum that builds knowledge progressively.’


‘Personal Development: Personal development at the school is rated “Outstanding”. The curriculum provides a wide range of experiences that prepare pupils for success beyond the school gates, including educational visits and active citizenship opportunities.’


‘Leadership and Management: Leadership and management are rated “Good”. Leaders have high ambitions for every pupil, and there is a strong culture of mutual support and teamwork among the staff. The governing body and trustees are knowledgeable and committed to the success of the pupils.’