Looked After Children with SEND

The majority of looked after children have SEND. It is important that all children with SEND receive the educational provision which meets their needs. However, for looked after children, many of whom will have had difficult and unstable home and school lives before coming into care, it is imperative that their needs are quickly and efficiently assessed and provided for so that the effect of any instability on their education is reduced to a minimum.

Looked after children are some of the most vulnerable young people. However, by working together, Ribbon Academy will ensure that any looked after child’s educational experience is a positive one and one that will lead them to achieve their full potential. Timely decisions on matters arising for looked after children will help to ensure a positive educational experience. Pupils have a Personal Education Plan (PEP). The key people who should attend a PEP meeting include:

  • The Child
  • Social Worker
  • Carer and Parent (if appropriate)
  • Designated Teacher.

All those contributing to the PEP process should involve the child, however if it is deemed that it is not suitable for the child to attend their meeting e.g. due to their age or them not wanting to engage in the process, this should be recorded in the PEP. Every effort should be made to encourage the child to contribute to their PEP.

The PEP should:

  • outline what needs to happen and any interventions in place to meet the child’s educational needs;
  • provide information on any social and emotional needs that may prevent or distract from learning and educational progress;
  • record current attainment and progress data;
  • include a minimum of three short term SMART targets which will ensure progress from this term to the next and one longer term target;
  • capture any special educational needs, summarise support in place and any action needed;
  • set out how the child’s aspirations will be supported and encouraged from the earliest stage
  • set out and work to support the child’s aspirations;
  • provide information which helps all who are supporting the child to understand, support and plan for their specific individual needs.

PEPs are reviewed termly and shared with the Durham Virtual School, who monitor looked after children very closely to make sure they make good progress and make the best of the opportunities on offer.

‘Quality of Education: The quality of education provided is considered “Good”. The curriculum is broad, inspiring, and well-thought-out, enabling pupils to build on their knowledge progressively.’


‘Inclusivity and Nurturing Environment: The school is described as inclusive and nurturing, with high expectations for pupils’ behaviour and achievements. Celebratory displays showcase pupils’ accomplishments, creating a positive and inspiring learning environment.’


‘Early Years Provision: The provision for early years is rated “Outstanding”. The staff provide an exceptional range of carefully planned learning activities that encourage curiosity, independence, and the development of spoken language from day one.’


‘The school provides rich extracurricular opportunities, such as “Ribbon Radio” and the “Poets’ Podium”, which help develop pupils’ confidence.’


‘Personal development is “Outstanding”, offering a wide range of experiences that prepare pupils for success beyond the school.’


‘Behaviour and Attitudes: Behaviour and attitudes at the school are rated “Good”. Pupils exhibit positive attitudes towards learning and demonstrate a strong understanding of the school’s values.’


‘Reading is a priority, with an effective phonics program starting in early years, fostering a love for reading among pupils.’


‘Early years provision is rated “Outstanding”, with staff providing a magical learning journey that encourages curiosity and independence.’


‘The Ribbon Academy is rated as “Good” overall, reflecting high standards in various aspects of school performance.’


‘Behaviour and attitudes are rated “Good”, with pupils showing positive behaviour both in and out of lessons.’


‘Reading and Literacy: Reading is prioritised, with an effective phonics program starting in the early years. Pupils’ love for reading is nurtured through various competitions and a well-stocked library.’


‘Community and Extracurricular Activities: Pupils engage in activities like ‘Ribbon Radio’ and the ‘Poets’ Podium’, developing confidence and showcasing their talents. The school also runs breakfast clubs, after-school activities, and a community café, enhancing the sense of community and belonging.’


‘Parents are highly supportive of the school, agreeing that their children are happy and well-supported.’


‘Pupils thrive in an inclusive, nurturing environment where their accomplishments are celebrated.’


‘The school has a strong safeguarding culture, with effective systems in place to ensure the welfare and safety of all pupils.’


‘Safety and Well-being: Pupils feel safe at the school, describing it as a “safe spot”. There is a strong culture of safeguarding, with effective systems in place to report and follow up on concerns. The pastoral team works tirelessly to ensure the welfare of all pupils.’


‘Pupils feel safe and have positive attitudes towards learning, understanding and demonstrating the school’s values.’


‘Leadership and Management: Leadership and management are rated “Good”. Leaders have high ambitions for every pupil, and there is a strong culture of mutual support and teamwork among the staff. The governing body and trustees are knowledgeable and committed to the success of the pupils.’


‘The quality of education at the school is “Good”, with a broad and inspiring curriculum that builds knowledge progressively.’


‘Leadership and management are “Good”, demonstrating high ambitions for all pupils and a strong culture of mutual support among staff.’


‘Personal Development: Personal development at the school is rated “Outstanding”. The curriculum provides a wide range of experiences that prepare pupils for success beyond the school gates, including educational visits and active citizenship opportunities.’