The RE curriculum forms an important part of our school’s spiritual, moral and social teaching.

We believe that high-quality RE lessons ensure our children grow to become tolerant and respectful citizens, who appreciate that everybody encompasses their own set of beliefs and values and that these may differ from their own. Through our RE curriculum we provide opportunities to develop children’s knowledge and understanding of world religions and reflect on the questions that they provoke.

Through RE we aim for our pupils to:

  • develop knowledge and understanding of Christianity and other religions and consider how the beliefs of others impact on their lives and the lives of others
  • understand religious faith as the search for and expression of truth
  • provides opportunities for personal reflection where children can explore their own beliefs and opinions (not necessarily religious) in a safe and supportive environment.
  • to appreciate and respect the different cultures and diversity of modern society
  • ask and reflect on challenging questions regarding RE

Children at Ribbon are not only given the opportunity to learn about religion but also learn from religion, recognising religion as not only a thing of the past but a thing of the present contributing to the diverse culture and society that we are apart of.

Our RE Overview

Our RE Overview outlines the essential details to ensure full coverage of the National Curriculum whilst providing our teachers with the tools required to support the development of  informed yet reflective learners. These details include: –

  • progression of teaching topics
  • identification of skills to teach, learn and practise
  • prioritised knowledge and facts to know, supporting an improved conceptual understanding of religion and its impact across the world

Teachers use long term planning supported by the Durham Locally Agreed Syllabus which focusses on the world religions most prevalent to our local area, with enquiry questions as a stimulus for learning. As part of this planning process, the knowledge, skills and vocabulary all children must master are sequential and progressive to encourage the development of broader yet deeper learning. The children are introduced to the skill of reflection which is the skill that underpins religious education at our school.

Additional to Christianity, our children are exposed to a selection of faiths from across the world through focused units and comparative work against Christianity. Here is how the faiths are mapped out across the year.

  • Year 1 and 2  – Buddhism
  • Year 3 – Hinduism
  • Year 4 – Humanism/ Thematic links
  • Year 5 – Judaism
  • Year 6 – Islam

Supplementary, our children are also taught about other thematic concepts such as how people use ritual in their lives, how they care for each other and how those with a religious faith care for the environment. Where possible, our Educational Visits and enhancement programme ensures teaching is supplemented with trips to places of worship or visits from people from religious communities making learning relevant, current and therefore purposeful for children at Ribbon.

Supporting Documents:

Supporting Websites:

‘Personal development is “Outstanding”, offering a wide range of experiences that prepare pupils for success beyond the school.’


‘Community and Extracurricular Activities: Pupils engage in activities like ‘Ribbon Radio’ and the ‘Poets’ Podium’, developing confidence and showcasing their talents. The school also runs breakfast clubs, after-school activities, and a community café, enhancing the sense of community and belonging.’


‘Quality of Education: The quality of education provided is considered “Good”. The curriculum is broad, inspiring, and well-thought-out, enabling pupils to build on their knowledge progressively.’


‘Reading is a priority, with an effective phonics program starting in early years, fostering a love for reading among pupils.’


‘The Ribbon Academy is rated as “Good” overall, reflecting high standards in various aspects of school performance.’


‘Leadership and management are “Good”, demonstrating high ambitions for all pupils and a strong culture of mutual support among staff.’


‘The quality of education at the school is “Good”, with a broad and inspiring curriculum that builds knowledge progressively.’


‘Pupils feel safe and have positive attitudes towards learning, understanding and demonstrating the school’s values.’


‘Inclusivity and Nurturing Environment: The school is described as inclusive and nurturing, with high expectations for pupils’ behaviour and achievements. Celebratory displays showcase pupils’ accomplishments, creating a positive and inspiring learning environment.’


‘Pupils thrive in an inclusive, nurturing environment where their accomplishments are celebrated.’


‘Early years provision is rated “Outstanding”, with staff providing a magical learning journey that encourages curiosity and independence.’


‘Behaviour and attitudes are rated “Good”, with pupils showing positive behaviour both in and out of lessons.’


‘The school provides rich extracurricular opportunities, such as “Ribbon Radio” and the “Poets’ Podium”, which help develop pupils’ confidence.’


‘Personal Development: Personal development at the school is rated “Outstanding”. The curriculum provides a wide range of experiences that prepare pupils for success beyond the school gates, including educational visits and active citizenship opportunities.’


‘Early Years Provision: The provision for early years is rated “Outstanding”. The staff provide an exceptional range of carefully planned learning activities that encourage curiosity, independence, and the development of spoken language from day one.’


‘Safety and Well-being: Pupils feel safe at the school, describing it as a “safe spot”. There is a strong culture of safeguarding, with effective systems in place to report and follow up on concerns. The pastoral team works tirelessly to ensure the welfare of all pupils.’


‘Parents are highly supportive of the school, agreeing that their children are happy and well-supported.’


‘Leadership and Management: Leadership and management are rated “Good”. Leaders have high ambitions for every pupil, and there is a strong culture of mutual support and teamwork among the staff. The governing body and trustees are knowledgeable and committed to the success of the pupils.’


‘Reading and Literacy: Reading is prioritised, with an effective phonics program starting in the early years. Pupils’ love for reading is nurtured through various competitions and a well-stocked library.’


‘The school has a strong safeguarding culture, with effective systems in place to ensure the welfare and safety of all pupils.’


‘Behaviour and Attitudes: Behaviour and attitudes at the school are rated “Good”. Pupils exhibit positive attitudes towards learning and demonstrate a strong understanding of the school’s values.’