Performance Data
At the end of Key Stage 2 children are judged to be either working at the expected standard or not. Some children may be judged to be working above the expected standard.
Our performance data can be viewed on this page, as well as on the Department for Education website.
At the end of Key Stage 2, children sit a test in Reading, SPaG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar) and Maths. Children are assessed by their class teacher in Writing.
Children in Year 6 took part in the new testing and assessment arrangements. Pupils’ knowledge and understanding of the new curriculum was assessed. This curriculum provides greater challenge with higher expectations set for the end of KS2.
The results of the SATs (tests) are reported using a scaled score, where a score of 100 represents the expected standard. The highest possible score is 120 and the lowest is 80.
Children are awarded one of the following Teacher Assessment judgements in writing:
Expected Standard – Working at the expected standard for their age
Greater Depth – Working at greater depth within the expected standard and has a strong understanding of the curriculum
Year 6 pupils were assessed in reading, writing, grammar, punctuation and spelling (SPAG) and maths. For further information, please see the Information for parents KS2 leaflet from the Standards and Testing Agency.
Reading KS2 (2024) :
Writing KS2 (2024):
Maths KS2 (2024):
Combined KS2 (2024):
* For a pupil to achieve the expected standard in reading and maths they must achieve a scaled score of 100+ in the corresponding tests.
* For a pupil to be working at greater depth in reading and maths they must achieve a scaled score of 110+ in the corresponding tests.
The average scaled score at Ribbon Academy for reading is TBC
The average scaled score at Ribbon Academy for maths is TBC
Reading KS2 (2023):
Writing KS2 (2023):
Maths KS2 (2023):
* For a pupil to achieve the expected standard in reading and maths they must achieve a scaled score of 100+ in the corresponding tests.
* For a pupil to be working at greater depth in reading and maths they must achieve a scaled score of 110+ in the corresponding tests.
The average scaled score at Ribbon Academy for reading is TBC
The average scaled score at Ribbon Academy for maths is TBC
* Average progress made in KS2
National average progress is always 0. Schools that make less progress receive a negative number rating, schools that make more progress receive a positive rating.
Average progress in reading + 0.0
Average progress in writing + 2.3
Average progress in maths +2.5
Whole School Outcomes