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Ribbon Academy

Ribbon Academy


At Ribbon, we strive to make every child and adult feel that they are valued and unique and that they are an important part of the school as we strive to ‘Grow Together’.

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** ⭐Attendance Awards - 24th > 28th March 2025⭐ **

Being in school on time every day is essential. We have a weekly target of 97%+.

It's so important that your child makes the most of every single minute in school.

** Attendance Winners 🏆**

Well done to Team 10 (Year 3) who were drawn from the cup this week as our Trophy winners. 👏

** On Time Ted Winners 🧸**

Congratulations to Team 6 (Year 1) who were on time every day before 9.00am. 👏

For all children where attendance is a concern, Mrs Maddison will be in touch to see how we can support make improvements.

Keep up the good work!
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** ⭐Attendance Awards - 24th > 28th March 2025⭐ **

Being in school on time every day is essential. We have a weekly target of 97%+.

Its so important that your child makes the most of every single minute in school.

** Attendance Winners 🏆**

Well done to Team 10 (Year 3) who were drawn from the cup this week as our Trophy winners. 👏

** On Time Ted Winners 🧸**

Congratulations to Team 6 (Year 1) who were on time every day before 9.00am. 👏

For all children where attendance is a concern, Mrs Maddison will be in touch to see how we can support make improvements.

Keep up the good work!
10 hours ago

Maths Stars of the Week' ✖️➕➖➗🟰

This week we are celebrating the success of our children in maths. They have been chosen by their teachers for excelling in maths.

Our roll of honour is...

⭐Reception - Rosalee F
⭐Year 1 - Alex D
⭐Year 2 - Sol G
⭐Year 3 - David J
⭐Year 4 - Carlson M
⭐Year 5 - Cain T
⭐Year 6 - Mark V

A huge well done to all winners!

Mr Houghton
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Maths Stars of the Week ✖️➕➖➗🟰

This week we are celebrating the success of our children in maths. They have been chosen by their teachers for excelling in maths.

Our roll of honour is...

⭐Reception - Rosalee F
⭐Year 1 - Alex D
⭐Year 2 - Sol G
⭐Year 3 - David J
⭐Year 4 - Carlson M
⭐Year 5 - Cain T
⭐Year 6 - Mark V

A huge well done to all winners!

Mr Houghton
13 hours ago

Ribbon Radio - Friday 28th March 2025


Our Ribbon Radio Team, together with Mr Williams, have written and produced this week's radio show - we hope you enjoy!

The programme can be heard by following the link (also found on the website):
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Ribbon Radio - Friday 28th March 2025


Our Ribbon Radio Team, together with Mr Williams, have written and produced this weeks radio show - we hope you enjoy!

The programme can be heard by following the link (also found on the website):
14 hours ago

⭐'Stars of the Week' - Friday 28th March 2025⭐

This morning, 'Stars of the Week' were announced in Celebration Assembly.

This week, 'Stars' were selected for consistently demonstrating kindness and compassion towards others.

⭐ Nursery (AM)* - Kira S
⭐Nursery (PM)* - Frankie S
⭐Reception* -Amelia S
⭐Y1 - Lacey L
⭐Y2 - Mia D
⭐Y3 - Lillie W
⭐Y4 - Lydia M
⭐Y5 - Faith M
⭐Y6 - Muiz A

⭐Head Teacher - Kaitlyn H (Year 6)
⭐Deputy Head Teacher - Freya T (Year 5)

* Please note that we hold mini celebrations (for children only) in the Early Years setting for Stars in Nursery, Reception and also Year 6 (in the spring term).

Very well done to our ‘Stars of the Week’ and all other children at Ribbon for having an amazing week - everyone is incredibly proud of always!

Mrs Sheridan, Mr Houghton & the Ribbon Team 🙂
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⭐Stars of the Week - Friday 28th March 2025⭐

This morning, Stars of the Week were announced in Celebration Assembly.

This week, Stars were selected for consistently demonstrating kindness and compassion towards others.

⭐ Nursery (AM)* - Kira S
⭐Nursery (PM)* - Frankie S
⭐Reception* -Amelia S
⭐Y1 - Lacey L
⭐Y2 - Mia D
⭐Y3 - Lillie W
⭐Y4 - Lydia M
⭐Y5 - Faith M
⭐Y6 - Muiz A

⭐Head Teacher - Kaitlyn H (Year 6) 
⭐Deputy Head Teacher - Freya T (Year 5)

* Please note that we hold mini celebrations (for children only) in the Early Years setting for Stars in Nursery, Reception and also Year 6 (in the spring term).

Very well done to our ‘Stars of the Week’ and all other children at Ribbon for having an amazing week - everyone is incredibly proud of always!

Mrs Sheridan, Mr Houghton & the Ribbon Team 🙂

** Thank you! 🌸**

Many thanks to Leamside Nursery for donating flowers, compost and pots to Ribbon. Our Reception children are busy 'potting' ready for their 'Special Person Celebration' tomorrow afternoon.
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** Thank you! 🌸**

Many thanks to Leamside Nursery for donating flowers, compost and pots to Ribbon. Our Reception children are busy potting ready for their Special Person Celebration tomorrow afternoon.

** Balance Bikes 🚲**

Today, our Reception children are taking part in balance bike sessions with Richard from 'Pro-ride'. These sessions are a fantastic way for children to build confidence, develop coordination, and prepare for riding a bike independently.

Balance bikes are specially designed to help children learn the key skills of balancing and steering without the need for stabilisers. This approach has been proven to make the transition to pedal bikes much smoother and more enjoyable for young children.

The children are having an amazing day!
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** Balance Bikes 🚲**

Today, our Reception children are taking part in balance bike sessions with Richard from Pro-ride. These sessions are a fantastic way for children to build confidence, develop coordination, and prepare for riding a bike independently.

Balance bikes are specially designed to help children learn the key skills of balancing and steering without the need for stabilisers. This approach has been proven to make the transition to pedal bikes much smoother and more enjoyable for young children.

The children are having an amazing day!


Yesterday x3 children from Year 6 travelled to 'True Paddle' in Durham to take part in a Durham Sports paddle event.

Here is Mr Lowerson's event report:

The event was split into sections with free play time, a skills session and competitive games to finish the morning. The boys were outstanding throughout the event demonstrating incredible skill and teamwork. In the competition section of the day, they won every game to finish top in 'King of the Hill' games.

Huge thanks to Easington SSP for securing Ribbon a place at the event, to Durham County Sport for an outstanding morning and to our sponsors at RCW Windows, Doors and Conservatories for our kit sponsorship.
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Yesterday x3 children from Year 6 travelled to True Paddle in Durham to take part in a Durham Sports paddle event.

Here is Mr Lowersons event report:

The event was split into sections with free play time, a skills session and competitive games to finish the morning. The boys were outstanding throughout the event demonstrating incredible skill and teamwork. In the competition section of the day, they won every game to finish top in King of the Hill games.

Huge thanks to Easington SSP for securing Ribbon a place at the event, to Durham County Sport for an outstanding morning and to our sponsors at RCW Windows, Doors and Conservatories for our kit sponsorship.Image attachmentImage attachment

** Multi-use Games Area - MUGA **

It's almost 20 years since Ribbon opened and as such fixtures and fittings require more attention!

Our MUGA is incredibly well used and needs renovation. We have been successful in securing funding (via DCC and the Parish) to remove, replace and remark the entire surface of the MUGA. This is an incredibly expensive operation so we are hugely grateful for the funds we have secured.

The project is lengthy and will be undertaken during the summer holidays.

Everyone can't wait!
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** Multi-use Games Area - MUGA **

Its almost 20 years since Ribbon opened and as such fixtures and fittings require more attention!

Our MUGA is incredibly well used and needs renovation. We have been successful in securing funding (via DCC and the Parish) to remove, replace and remark the entire surface of the MUGA. This is an incredibly expensive operation so we are hugely grateful for the funds we have secured.

The project is lengthy and will be undertaken during the summer holidays.

Everyone cant wait!

** Year 1 visit Seaham **

Last week, children in Year 1 visited Seaham to compare and contrast localities. During the visit, staff from 'Karan’s Florist' invited the children to look at the different plants, including sunflowers which the children have planted. The children were also gifted a further there 3 plants for our school planters.
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** Year 1 visit Seaham **

Last week, children in Year 1 visited Seaham to compare and contrast localities. During the visit, staff from Karan’s Florist invited the children to look at the different plants, including sunflowers which the children have planted. The children were also gifted a further there 3 plants for our school planters.Image attachmentImage attachment

** Comic Relief 2025🔴**

This morning, in Celebration Assembly, our Ribbon MPs shared reasons why we are dressed in red and raising money Comic Relief. Well done to all MPs for being brave!

Following Mr Lowerson's special performance, the children headed back to team bases to enjoy a day of full of singing and dancing (as well as normal school work!). The children looked amazing in their red outfits - well done, everyone!

So far, we have raised £791 (including the sale of red noses).

Huge thanks to everyone for supporting Comic Relief.
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** Comic Relief 2025🔴**

This morning, in Celebration Assembly, our Ribbon MPs shared reasons why we are dressed in red and raising money Comic Relief. Well done to all MPs for being brave!

Following Mr Lowersons special performance, the children headed back to team bases to enjoy a day of full of singing and dancing (as well as normal school work!). The children looked amazing in their red outfits - well done, everyone!

So far, we have raised £791 (including the sale of red noses).

Huge thanks to everyone for supporting Comic Relief.

**Gold and Silver for Basketball 🥇💓🥈💓**

Yesterday, our Year 5 & 6 basketball teams travelled to East Durham College to take part in a competition organised by Easington School Sports Partnership.
Here is Mr Lowerson's report:

There were 5 teams in the competition and the standard was excellent. Our A and B teams also played each other in a terrific match!

After the games concluded, it was announced that our A team were the competition winners with our B team in runner-up position. This is an outstanding achievement!

A HUGE well done to our Year 4 children who participated in a basketball skills festival (at the same event) and performed incredibly well too!

Thanks to Easington SSP for another brilliant event and to RCW Windows, Doors and Conservatories for kit sponsorship.

Finally thanks to Mr Lowerson and Mrs Walton for all their extra work in ensuring our teams were competition ready! 👏
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**Gold and Silver for Basketball 🥇💓🥈💓**

Yesterday, our Year 5 & 6 basketball teams travelled to East Durham College to take part in a competition organised by Easington School Sports Partnership.
Here is Mr Lowersons report:

There were 5 teams in the competition and the standard was excellent. Our A and B teams also played each other in a terrific match!

After the games concluded, it was announced that our A team were the competition winners with our B team in runner-up position. This is an outstanding achievement!

A HUGE well done to our Year 4 children who participated in a basketball skills festival (at the same event) and performed incredibly well too!

Thanks to Easington SSP for another brilliant event and to RCW Windows, Doors and Conservatories for kit sponsorship.

Finally thanks to Mr Lowerson and Mrs Walton for all their extra work in ensuring our teams were competition ready! 👏Image attachment

** Special Treat for Comic Relief 🎤 🔴**

At the end of Celebration Ssembly this morning, our children were treated to a special performance of ‘Ribbon’s On Fire 🔥’ from Mr Lowerson and Mr Gillson. The performance is part of a fun-filled day to raise money for Comic Relief - the children LOVED IT!
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‘Early Years Provision: The provision for early years is rated “Outstanding”. The staff provide an exceptional range of carefully planned learning activities that encourage curiosity, independence, and the development of spoken language from day one.’


‘Community and Extracurricular Activities: Pupils engage in activities like ‘Ribbon Radio’ and the ‘Poets’ Podium’, developing confidence and showcasing their talents. The school also runs breakfast clubs, after-school activities, and a community café, enhancing the sense of community and belonging.’


‘Safety and Well-being: Pupils feel safe at the school, describing it as a “safe spot”. There is a strong culture of safeguarding, with effective systems in place to report and follow up on concerns. The pastoral team works tirelessly to ensure the welfare of all pupils.’


‘The school has a strong safeguarding culture, with effective systems in place to ensure the welfare and safety of all pupils.’


‘Reading and Literacy: Reading is prioritised, with an effective phonics program starting in the early years. Pupils’ love for reading is nurtured through various competitions and a well-stocked library.’


‘Behaviour and Attitudes: Behaviour and attitudes at the school are rated “Good”. Pupils exhibit positive attitudes towards learning and demonstrate a strong understanding of the school’s values.’


‘Leadership and management are “Good”, demonstrating high ambitions for all pupils and a strong culture of mutual support among staff.’


‘Personal Development: Personal development at the school is rated “Outstanding”. The curriculum provides a wide range of experiences that prepare pupils for success beyond the school gates, including educational visits and active citizenship opportunities.’


‘Behaviour and attitudes are rated “Good”, with pupils showing positive behaviour both in and out of lessons.’


‘Early years provision is rated “Outstanding”, with staff providing a magical learning journey that encourages curiosity and independence.’


‘Pupils feel safe and have positive attitudes towards learning, understanding and demonstrating the school’s values.’


‘Reading is a priority, with an effective phonics program starting in early years, fostering a love for reading among pupils.’


‘Quality of Education: The quality of education provided is considered “Good”. The curriculum is broad, inspiring, and well-thought-out, enabling pupils to build on their knowledge progressively.’


‘Inclusivity and Nurturing Environment: The school is described as inclusive and nurturing, with high expectations for pupils’ behaviour and achievements. Celebratory displays showcase pupils’ accomplishments, creating a positive and inspiring learning environment.’


‘Parents are highly supportive of the school, agreeing that their children are happy and well-supported.’


‘Leadership and Management: Leadership and management are rated “Good”. Leaders have high ambitions for every pupil, and there is a strong culture of mutual support and teamwork among the staff. The governing body and trustees are knowledgeable and committed to the success of the pupils.’


‘The school provides rich extracurricular opportunities, such as “Ribbon Radio” and the “Poets’ Podium”, which help develop pupils’ confidence.’


‘Personal development is “Outstanding”, offering a wide range of experiences that prepare pupils for success beyond the school.’


‘The quality of education at the school is “Good”, with a broad and inspiring curriculum that builds knowledge progressively.’


‘Pupils thrive in an inclusive, nurturing environment where their accomplishments are celebrated.’


‘The Ribbon Academy is rated as “Good” overall, reflecting high standards in various aspects of school performance.’