
Members hold the Trust Board to account for the effective governance but have a minimal role in the actual running of the Trust.

It is the Trustee Board, not the Members, who are the organisation’s key decision makers. Members are essential to the integrity of an Academy Trust governance structure. They ensure effective governance and uphold the charitable purpose of the organisation.

Members must therefore remain informed of Trust performance and how to appropriately interact with the Trustee Board.


Sue Hardy


Christian Park


Lisa Walton


Susan Simon


Sue Hardy

My name is Sue Hardy and I have been involved in education in a voluntary capacity for a number of years , training as a TA and also as a governor in my son’s primary and secondary schools. I became interested in Child Mental Health and Special Educational Needs when my son was diagnosed with ADHD aged 5. I qualified as a counsellor in 2006 after a career in the Civil Service.

Part of my training as a counsellor involved a placement with Place2Be and so I was delighted to gain empIoyment  with Place2Be as School Project Manager and to be given the fantastic prospect of working at Ribbon Academy. I have been at Ribbon since September 2007 and it has given me the opportunity to help so many children and their families. Ribbon is an excellent fit for me as it embodies my passionate belief that  every child should have the opportunity to be the best they can be.  My role in school alongside an exceptionally talented and caring team provides me with the forum to help children achieve this.

When Ribbon became an academy in 2012 I was invited to become a Member of the Board of Trustees and have continued in that capacity to date. I’m so proud to work at Ribbon and immensely privileged to be a Member of the Board of Trustees.


Christian Park

My name is Christian Park, ‘Member’ for Ribbon Academy.

Having previously worked at Ribbon for six years, I am thrilled to be able to continue to contribute to a dynamic and vibrant school. Ribbon Academy is an incredible school, which offers all children every opportunity to succeed. 

Since I left Ribbon in August 2021, to take up a Headship in Hartlepool, I know that the school has continued to grow, develop and further cement its place as the centre of the community. 

I look forward to be able to contribute to life at Ribbon once again.


Lisa Walton

My name is Lisa Walton, Member for Ribbon Academy.

I recently joined the Members to work as part of the team to ensure that ALL children access an inclusive, dynamic and enriched education whilst at Ribbon Academy.

Having previously worked at Ribbon for five years, I feel very proud to be part of the Ribbon team again, supporting staff across the school to inspire learners to be creative, resilient, independent and curious about the wider world and the potential opportunities that await.

Ribbon will always be a special place me…I left my position in 2021 to join South Tyneside Local Authority as a Head Teacher in an outdoor nursery and I am excited to continue to support the Academy in a different role.

I am very passionate about early childhood learning and development and my teaching career has predominantly specialised in the Early Years, ensuring that the early window of time, from birth to five, is used effectively to build the foundations for future learning.

Ribbon is without a doubt the hub of the local and wider community, always striving to provide families with the best possible care, support and education.  I will do my best to support the school as the journey continues.


Susan Simon

My name is Susan Simon, Member for Ribbon Academy.

I worked at Ribbon School for seven years, and was part of the leadership team when the school opened in 2006, after the amalgamation of three schools in Murton. Prior to this amalgamation I taught at Murton County School from 1990. I feel privileged to be able to return to be part of the warm, caring, hard- working and inspirational community of Ribbon School.

I left Ribbon School in 2013 to take up a nursery school headship, following my passion for Early Years Education. I very much enjoyed this post until taking early retirement in 2024. Throughout my years away from Ribbon I have been delighted to see how the school has developed and gone from strength to strength. I look forward to contributing once again to such a dynamic school and being part of a community which is close to my heart.

Supporting Document:

‘Children settle well when they enter Ribbon Early Years, communication between home and school is good.’


‘Children get off to a flying start at school. They are happy and safe and increasingly independent, and
yet aware of others.’


‘There is clear evidence that you and your staff’s ongoing work to improve the depth of pupils’ mathematical understanding across the school is working.’


‘Early Years leaders and staff are expert in using their knowledge of what children can and cannot yet do to sharpen their planning and focus their teaching.’


‘We are so grateful to all the effort the teachers are putting in.’


‘Staff and the governing body take safeguarding responsibilities very seriously. There is a culture of safeguarding at the school.’


‘Pupils are taking more responsibility for their own learning as they move through Key Stage 1.’


‘Disadvantaged and most-able children are making particularly good


‘Ribbon are doing a fantastic job.’


‘All support and communication is brilliant’


‘Communication systems between classroom and
additional support staff are good and mean that these pupils have access to the
full range of the curriculum suited to their needs.’


‘The teaching of phonics is a strength.’


‘School have done a fantastic job in all areas.’


‘School are there when needed whether it’s for support or a chat. They are constantly checking how kids are getting on.’


‘The learning environment, both inside and out, is stimulating and attractive. Staff are skilled in ensuring that children develop their independence as learners who enjoy exploring the world.’


‘The quality of teaching across all subjects continues to improve.’


‘The governing body knows the school and the local community very well.’


‘My son loves the interaction with his teachers. Thank you all so very much for your hard work and dedication.’


‘Parents are
confident that their children are happy, safe and well taught.’


‘Ribbon monitor the progress and well-being of pupils who have special educational needs and/or disabilities carefully. Expectations for these pupils are high. As a result, they make generally good progress from their starting points.’


‘School and staff should be commended for their quick shift and quality of what’s being communicated with the children.’