
At Ribbon Academy, we are continuing to sustain our Teaching for Mastery practice where we support a long-term, secure and adaptable approach to mathematics teaching supporting learners to:

  • become resilient learners;
  • work efficiently by making effective links between concepts, facts and relationships; whilst
  • develop conceptual understanding by using models, pictorials and concrete resources
  • apply knowledge and skills to the wider world.

Teaching of maths at Ribbon is supported by “The Big 5 Ideas” where teachers use coherence, representation and structure, mathematical thinking, fluency and both conceptual and procedural variation to ensure effective learning.

Ribbon Academy places prime importance on mathematical understanding and practical application of what is learnt whilst acknowledging that mental ability is of great importance.

Maths Curriculum Overview

Our Maths Overview outlines the essential details to ensure full coverage of the National Curriculum whilst providing our teachers with the tools required to support the development of efficient mathematicians. These details include: –

  • progression of teaching topics and application topics
  • identification of procedural and conceptual skills to teach
  • prioritised fluent facts and skills to practise, know and learn.

In support of these, we teach maths every day where learning time includes the practise and the development of factual, conceptual and procedural knowledge. Maths teaching and learning includes:

  • Maths Starters (Focused on mental arithmetic, skill development and fact recall)
  • Teaching for Mastery Lessons (New teaching and application of knowledge and skills)
  • Online Independent Practice (via Mathletics and TT Rockstars)

We recognise regular learning and practise as essential in order to develop a rapid recall of number facts, efficiency in procedures and a deepened knowledge of mathematical concepts.

During our Teaching for Mastery lessons children are given the opportunity to independently practise new learn at varying depths, providing them the opportunity to ‘Find Fluency’, ‘Develop Depth’ and ‘Master Maths’.

Additional Maths Programmes

To supplement our maths package we utilize the following:

  • Timestables Rockstars (Year 2 – 6)

Timestables Rockstars

Once children have been taught the knowledge and skills required for their year group-focused times tables, they are given the opportunity to develop accuracy, fluency and speed via the tool of Timestables Rockstars – with the support of their very own avatar. Children are allocated tasks and competitions to focus their practise in order to build confidence with timetables knowledge.

Children are given time in school as well as access to log-ins for Timestable Rockstars to encourage engagement and practise at home.

Supporting Documents:

Supporting Websites:

‘Inclusivity and Nurturing Environment: The school is described as inclusive and nurturing, with high expectations for pupils’ behaviour and achievements. Celebratory displays showcase pupils’ accomplishments, creating a positive and inspiring learning environment.’


‘Leadership and Management: Leadership and management are rated “Good”. Leaders have high ambitions for every pupil, and there is a strong culture of mutual support and teamwork among the staff. The governing body and trustees are knowledgeable and committed to the success of the pupils.’


‘Pupils feel safe and have positive attitudes towards learning, understanding and demonstrating the school’s values.’


‘Quality of Education: The quality of education provided is considered “Good”. The curriculum is broad, inspiring, and well-thought-out, enabling pupils to build on their knowledge progressively.’


‘The school has a strong safeguarding culture, with effective systems in place to ensure the welfare and safety of all pupils.’


‘Reading is a priority, with an effective phonics program starting in early years, fostering a love for reading among pupils.’


‘Early years provision is rated “Outstanding”, with staff providing a magical learning journey that encourages curiosity and independence.’


‘Community and Extracurricular Activities: Pupils engage in activities like ‘Ribbon Radio’ and the ‘Poets’ Podium’, developing confidence and showcasing their talents. The school also runs breakfast clubs, after-school activities, and a community café, enhancing the sense of community and belonging.’


‘Personal development is “Outstanding”, offering a wide range of experiences that prepare pupils for success beyond the school.’


‘Reading and Literacy: Reading is prioritised, with an effective phonics program starting in the early years. Pupils’ love for reading is nurtured through various competitions and a well-stocked library.’


‘The quality of education at the school is “Good”, with a broad and inspiring curriculum that builds knowledge progressively.’


‘The Ribbon Academy is rated as “Good” overall, reflecting high standards in various aspects of school performance.’


‘Early Years Provision: The provision for early years is rated “Outstanding”. The staff provide an exceptional range of carefully planned learning activities that encourage curiosity, independence, and the development of spoken language from day one.’


‘The school provides rich extracurricular opportunities, such as “Ribbon Radio” and the “Poets’ Podium”, which help develop pupils’ confidence.’


‘Personal Development: Personal development at the school is rated “Outstanding”. The curriculum provides a wide range of experiences that prepare pupils for success beyond the school gates, including educational visits and active citizenship opportunities.’


‘Leadership and management are “Good”, demonstrating high ambitions for all pupils and a strong culture of mutual support among staff.’


‘Behaviour and Attitudes: Behaviour and attitudes at the school are rated “Good”. Pupils exhibit positive attitudes towards learning and demonstrate a strong understanding of the school’s values.’


‘Parents are highly supportive of the school, agreeing that their children are happy and well-supported.’


‘Behaviour and attitudes are rated “Good”, with pupils showing positive behaviour both in and out of lessons.’


‘Pupils thrive in an inclusive, nurturing environment where their accomplishments are celebrated.’


‘Safety and Well-being: Pupils feel safe at the school, describing it as a “safe spot”. There is a strong culture of safeguarding, with effective systems in place to report and follow up on concerns. The pastoral team works tirelessly to ensure the welfare of all pupils.’