Design & Technology

We believe that high-quality DT lessons will inspire children to think independently, innovatively and develop creative, procedural and technical understanding. It is important that our curriculum offers our children the knowledge and skills that they require to understand the role of Design and Technology in the growth and the ongoing development of the world we are apart of. Throughout our curriculum design, we strive for our pupils to: ·

  • research, explore and investigate key products, structures, designs etc…
  • effectively engage in the ‘design cycle’ represent their ideas,
  • be exposed to a wide range of media including textiles, food, woodwork and electrical systems;
  • build and apply a repertoire of knowledge, understanding and skills in order to design and make high-quality prototypes and products for a wide range of users
  • be creative with their designs and prototypes
  • make a purposeful product and evaluate their work using the principles: User, Purpose, Functionality, Design Decisions, Innovation and Authenticity.
  • critique, evaluate and test their ideas and products and the work of others
  • understand and apply the principles of nutrition and learn how to cook
  • develop the creative, technical and practical expertise needed to perform everyday tasks confidently and to participate successfully in an increasingly technological world

The skills they acquire and develop are applied to creating a relevant product designed to perform one or more defined tasks. Each design and made product will work/function effectively in order to fulfil users’ needs, wants and purposes. It is paramount that DT work be purposeful, functional, fun and engaging. Though DT, our children will be exposed to a range of skills, new vocabulary and they will be expected to practice the art of resilience.

Pupils are encouraged to express their individuality and understand that trial and error, investigations and adaptations are crucial and necessary to the process of a DT project. Children are encouraged to take risks, experiment and then reflect on why some ideas and techniques are successful or not for their particular project.

Our Design & Technology Overview

Our Design & Technology Overview outlines the essential details to ensure full coverage of the National Curriculum whilst providing our teachers with the tools required to support the development of well-researched and creative designers. These details include: –

  • progression of teaching topics and stimuli for learning
  • identification of DT skills to teach, learn and practise
  • prioritised knowledge and facts to know, supporting an improved conceptual understanding of DT

Our coherent, planned curriculum has purposefully been designed supporting progressive learning through the year groups. Each curriculum area follows the principles of:

  • User
  • Purpose
  • Functionality
  • Design Decisions
  • Innovation
  • Authenticity

Our children will  be given the opportunity to complete three different units using varied media throughout each academic year. Each project the children will undertake has a clear purpose.

A cycle of lessons will happen for each project where plans ensure full coverage of the principles, progressively with depth and where supporting and possible Educational Visits/ Visitors is integrated. Some DT visits in the past have included: trips to local secondary schools, Nissan car plant, local restaurants and Diggerland. Alongside this, our visiting experts of  Architecture workshops for schools, Tech4fun and STEM have also enhanced the learning experience.

Supporting Documents:

Supporting Websites:

‘Children get off to a flying start at school. They are happy and safe and increasingly independent, and
yet aware of others.’


‘We are so grateful to all the effort the teachers are putting in.’


‘My son loves the interaction with his teachers. Thank you all so very much for your hard work and dedication.’


‘The learning environment, both inside and out, is stimulating and attractive. Staff are skilled in ensuring that children develop their independence as learners who enjoy exploring the world.’


‘School have done a fantastic job in all areas.’


‘Parents are
confident that their children are happy, safe and well taught.’


‘School and staff should be commended for their quick shift and quality of what’s being communicated with the children.’


‘Children settle well when they enter Ribbon Early Years, communication between home and school is good.’


‘All support and communication is brilliant’


‘Ribbon monitor the progress and well-being of pupils who have special educational needs and/or disabilities carefully. Expectations for these pupils are high. As a result, they make generally good progress from their starting points.’


‘Early Years leaders and staff are expert in using their knowledge of what children can and cannot yet do to sharpen their planning and focus their teaching.’


‘The quality of teaching across all subjects continues to improve.’


‘Ribbon are doing a fantastic job.’


‘Pupils are taking more responsibility for their own learning as they move through Key Stage 1.’


‘The governing body knows the school and the local community very well.’


‘School are there when needed whether it’s for support or a chat. They are constantly checking how kids are getting on.’


‘Disadvantaged and most-able children are making particularly good


‘Communication systems between classroom and
additional support staff are good and mean that these pupils have access to the
full range of the curriculum suited to their needs.’


‘Staff and the governing body take safeguarding responsibilities very seriously. There is a culture of safeguarding at the school.’


‘There is clear evidence that you and your staff’s ongoing work to improve the depth of pupils’ mathematical understanding across the school is working.’


‘The teaching of phonics is a strength.’