Admission Information

Ribbon School caters for pupils from 3-11 years. At present there are 467* children on the school register and 60* children on the nursery register, totalling 527* children. Prospective parents wishing to view the school are asked to contact the school to arrange an appointment. Admission to the Nursery and School is in accordance with Durham LA policy for admissions.

*Subject to change

Nursery Admissions

Statement of Principles

1. Summary of Principles

This is a summary of principles adopted by the Academy, following the practice of the Local Authority regarding the admission of children into nursery provision within Community, Voluntary and Controlled Nursery Schools and Units. Please note:

    1. 1.1 Roman Catholic and Church of England Voluntary Aided Schools Although the admission of children to these schools is a matter for the Governors, almost all Aided Schools follow these criteria.
    1. 1.2 Nursery Aged Children with Special Educational Needs
    1. The majority of children with special educational needs can be supported at any Nursery School, Nursery Unit or Early Years setting. Nursery provision is also available in certain Special Schools. Support for individual pupils is determined by the Local Education Authority.

2. Nursery Education

This is full-time or part-time education, suitable for children who have not reached compulsory school age. It is provided at Nursery Schools, Nursery Units and Early Years settings in Private, Voluntary and independent settings.

3. Attendance

Children normally attend on a part-time basis for either a morning or afternoon session, lasting 3 hours.

4. Catchment Areas

Although there are no catchment areas for places in specific Nursery Schools, Nursery Units or Primary Schools, preference is given to children whose parents live in County Durham.

5. Offer of a Place

The offer of a place in a Nursery Unit attached to an Infant or Primary School does not entitle either a place or a greater priority for a place in that school for a child’s statutory education.

6. Waiting List

Parents may place their child’s name on a waiting list, starting at the beginning of the school year (1 September to 31 August) of their child’s second birthday. Children on the waiting list, who are in their pre-school year during the Autumn Term, will be admitted first. Children who are three years old will then be admitted as places become available.

7. Emergency Referrals

In order to accommodate emergency referrals of children “in need” as defined by the Children Act 1989, Governors should keep two part-time places until the end of the Autumn Half-Term.

8. Equal Opportunities

Regardless of race, gender, religious belief or affiliation, intellectual or physical ability, social or cultural background, children have equal access to places in Nursery Schools or Nursery Units or Primary Schools.

9. Inclusion

County Durham LA recognises the clear educational, social and moral benefits to all of providing an inclusive education system which values a diverse range of skills and needs. In order to meet our overall vision we will ensure that educational provision in County Durham is flexible, appropriately resourced and able to respond to the needs of individuals. We will work to ensure that each school uses its organisation, ethos and the allocation of its resources to secure equality of opportunity, allowing all children and young people the opportunity to be fully included in the life and work of their school and their community.

10. Admission to Nurseries

This is determined by the Authorities’ published admissions criteria

11. Admissions to Primary School

Children born between 1 September 2015 and 31 August 2016 will be admitted to school in September 2020.

Admission to Community and Voluntary Controlled Infant, Junior and Primary Schools

The Academy currently uses the Local Authority as its Admissions Officer.

Oversubscription Criteria:

If more children want a place than there are places available, we will offer places according to the following criteria, strictly in order of priority:

i. Children who are ‘looked after’ or a child who was previously looked after but immediately after being looked after became subject to an adoption, residence, or special guardianship order*. A looked after child is a child who is, at the time of making an application to a school, (a) in the care of a local authority, or (b) being provided with accommodation by a local authority in the exercise of their social services functions (see the definition in section 22(1) of the Children Act 1989).

  • ii. Medical Reasons: Pupils with very exceptional medical factors directly related to school placement.
  • iii. Sibling Links: Pupils who have a sibling** already attending the school and who is expected to be on roll at the school at the time of admission.
  • iv. Distance: Pupils who live nearest the preferred school measured by the shortest walking route***. This will be based on the parents’ address. Where the last place to be allocated would mean that a multiple birth sibling group i.e. twins, triplets or other multiple birth sibling groups, would be split, the sibling group will be given priority over other children.

* An adoption order is an order under section 46 of the Adoption and Children Act 2002. A ‘residence order’ is an order settling the arrangements to be made as to the person with whom the child is to live under section 8 of the Children Act 1989. Section 14A of the Children Act 1989 defines a ‘special guardianship order’ as an order appointing one or more individuals to be a child’s special guardian (or special guardians).

** Sibling is defined as children who live as brother or sister in the same house, including natural brothers or sisters, half brothers or sisters, adopted brothers or sisters, step brothers or sisters and children of the parent/carer’s partner. Some schools give priority to siblings of pupils attending another community and voluntary controlled school with which they have close links (for example, schools on the same site). Where this is the case, details will be published in the Local Authority’s Admissions Brochure.

*** The LA uses a Geographic Information System (GIS) to measure the shortest walking route. The shortest walking routes are measured from the nearest entrance to a house (e.g. front gate) or flats (e.g. front door of the main building) to the nearest school entrance.

‘Leadership and Management: Leadership and management are rated “Good”. Leaders have high ambitions for every pupil, and there is a strong culture of mutual support and teamwork among the staff. The governing body and trustees are knowledgeable and committed to the success of the pupils.’


‘Inclusivity and Nurturing Environment: The school is described as inclusive and nurturing, with high expectations for pupils’ behaviour and achievements. Celebratory displays showcase pupils’ accomplishments, creating a positive and inspiring learning environment.’


‘Early Years Provision: The provision for early years is rated “Outstanding”. The staff provide an exceptional range of carefully planned learning activities that encourage curiosity, independence, and the development of spoken language from day one.’


‘The quality of education at the school is “Good”, with a broad and inspiring curriculum that builds knowledge progressively.’


‘Quality of Education: The quality of education provided is considered “Good”. The curriculum is broad, inspiring, and well-thought-out, enabling pupils to build on their knowledge progressively.’


‘Behaviour and Attitudes: Behaviour and attitudes at the school are rated “Good”. Pupils exhibit positive attitudes towards learning and demonstrate a strong understanding of the school’s values.’


‘Leadership and management are “Good”, demonstrating high ambitions for all pupils and a strong culture of mutual support among staff.’


‘Personal Development: Personal development at the school is rated “Outstanding”. The curriculum provides a wide range of experiences that prepare pupils for success beyond the school gates, including educational visits and active citizenship opportunities.’


‘Personal development is “Outstanding”, offering a wide range of experiences that prepare pupils for success beyond the school.’


‘Parents are highly supportive of the school, agreeing that their children are happy and well-supported.’


‘Early years provision is rated “Outstanding”, with staff providing a magical learning journey that encourages curiosity and independence.’


‘Reading is a priority, with an effective phonics program starting in early years, fostering a love for reading among pupils.’


‘Pupils thrive in an inclusive, nurturing environment where their accomplishments are celebrated.’


‘Behaviour and attitudes are rated “Good”, with pupils showing positive behaviour both in and out of lessons.’


‘Community and Extracurricular Activities: Pupils engage in activities like ‘Ribbon Radio’ and the ‘Poets’ Podium’, developing confidence and showcasing their talents. The school also runs breakfast clubs, after-school activities, and a community café, enhancing the sense of community and belonging.’


‘Reading and Literacy: Reading is prioritised, with an effective phonics program starting in the early years. Pupils’ love for reading is nurtured through various competitions and a well-stocked library.’


‘The school provides rich extracurricular opportunities, such as “Ribbon Radio” and the “Poets’ Podium”, which help develop pupils’ confidence.’


‘The school has a strong safeguarding culture, with effective systems in place to ensure the welfare and safety of all pupils.’


‘Pupils feel safe and have positive attitudes towards learning, understanding and demonstrating the school’s values.’


‘Safety and Well-being: Pupils feel safe at the school, describing it as a “safe spot”. There is a strong culture of safeguarding, with effective systems in place to report and follow up on concerns. The pastoral team works tirelessly to ensure the welfare of all pupils.’


‘The Ribbon Academy is rated as “Good” overall, reflecting high standards in various aspects of school performance.’